Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Chemo Round #2: Because Triplet-Mommy Brain Just Wasn't Enough

I'm thinking that chemo-brain is already making it's debut.  Tonight I was getting ready to take my meds before bed.  I've started this little diary app where I write up my chemo meds, other meds, side effects, treatments and how things went.  It's just the best way for me to be able to keep track for future reference and to help me get through subsequent chemotherapy treatments.

So, here I was typing away about Day 2 in my Chemo #2 and when I clicked "done" I could NOT remember whether I had already taken the medicine or whether I still needed to get it all out and take it.  Ugh.  Two of the medicines are just once per 24-hour period, so I'm wary of assuming I had not ingested said drugs and taking them.  Now I sit and try to recreate the moments but...nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  Can't remember.  And here, I thought that triplet-mommy brain was going to take away all of the brain cells I had, but now I can thank the chemo for making this even more dramatic.  I stumble through words and thoughts and try to be sure to write anything down (like something to buy or to do or to research) in case I can't pull it out of those cobwebs up there.

Moving along, I must say that Chemo #2 went VERY smoothly yesterday.  I enjoyed some time with my sister, Karen, and Lisa C who was kind enough to bring me Chick-Fil-A for lunch (and then had to watch me inhale it).  She stayed and suffered through the bad television choices made by another patient (CBS soap operas, Fox News and then Cartoon Network).  Obviously that particular patient was enjoying the TV time, but none were high on my list to watch and it was a little distracting.  But we all have our own preferences and she seemed content with her choices.  And my sister brought a new John Grisham book to read but never even cracked it open.  There is just too much socializing to do in the chemo room. :)

Today was my friendly Neulasta shot.  The last one lead to quite a bit of discomfort, but I'm hoping for an easier run this time.  We shall see.  I feel confident that I'm going into this round armed with more knowledge and experience that I pray will make it easier to manage the possible side effects that might drop by for a visit.  And I also know that by this time next week, I should be feeling much better (per my first round) and that is also a source of comfort.  Plus, I have felt pretty darn good for the last four days, so I know that all of this will be a distant memory at this time next year.  I was even discussing how my last treatment is scheduled for October 8th which means that I should be feeling up to enjoying the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays and feeling all of the joy that comes with such a special time of year.

I continue to appreciate the strong women I have met through my support group at the Cancer Support Community of East TN.  I cannot say enough good things about their organization and I encourage my readers to keep them in mind if you know anyone else going through a cancer  journey.  They are such an amazing resource and offer so many wonderful FREE programs, groups and activities for cancer survivors and their caregivers and families (yoga, wellness exercise, art, nutrition and cooking classes as well as so many other informational sessions).

I've managed to get quite a bit done in the last four days as I prepared for this round of breast cancer booty kicking.  I've tended to lots of laundry, ran errands, made a trip to SAM'S Club for some of the essentials (that will last a little longer) and I was even able to get my ballot cast for early voting here in K'town.  Whew.  Now I'm hoping to get to take a few days to rest and let the chemo do it's job.

One more silver lining of this cancer thing?  Tomorrow I have two people coming from Two Maids and a Mop (as part of the Cleaning for a Reason program that helps people who are in active cancer treatment) for two hours of CLEANING!  Woo hoo.  I am excited about what they might be able to accomplish in just two hours.  How lucky am I????

That's all I can muster up for the evening.  I continue to feel so thankful and blessed by all of the love, support and, of course, the prayers from so many wonderful people.


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